
Ansible role to run arbitrary tasks.

It allows to specify a task file or URL and this role will run it without having to write a playbook or another role.

This role performs the following actions:

  • Ensure the requirements are installed.
  • Update the apt cache.
  • Ensure dependencies are installed.
  • If the user_tasks variable is defined run each specified task.
  • If the configuration variable is defined and the user_tasks variable is defined, run each specified task.

Inside each specified task is possible to use the unified variable that will have the list of specified users.

This role expand files or URLs by default so you must write your items like:

  - item_path: ['']
    item_expand: false

You can change this default behaviour by:

  • Setting the expand variable to false.


  • Add to an item the attribute item_expand setted to true.